Online Resources

The District provides many resources for education and conservation outreach initiatives. For more information on any of our education programs please contact Justin Saenz at 936-494-3436 or at


+ Classes and Events

+ Native Plants

+ Rainwater Harvesting

+ Government Agencies

+ Engineering/Surveying Organizations

+ Conservation

+ Groundwater Levels

+ USGS Commissioned Reports

+ Flood Resources

+ Well Water Testing

+ Soil, Turf and Plants

+ Saving Water

+ Local Partners

+ General Information

+ Landscaping/Irrigation

+ Drought Information

+ Well Basics & Maintenance

+ Case Laws





Captain Plop’s Water Saving Mission

Join Captain Plop, water-saver extraordinaire, on a free and flushingly wet adventure through the underworld of Emily and Luke’s home!


H2O Tracker 

Does it take more water to take a bath or wash a car? Do you use more water than the average Joe? Do you know how to save up to $200 on your water bill each year? H2OTracker is a water conservation game that helps you estimate water use in and around your house so you can conserve, save money and earn points toward prizes! Track your water use and score!  Want to know the dos and don’ts during a drought? This version will help you know exactly what restrictions are in place for each drought stage. It will also help you learn about snowpack and reservoir levels and why they are critical to our drinking supply.


Rain Harvest

Have you ever wondered how much rain falls on your roof during a typical rain storm? Use this simple rain harvesting calculator to find out. You will be amazed at how much water can be collected from your roof (or any other surface) during even the shortest of rain storms. Why not collect and store this wonderful natural resource and put it to good use later to water your organic garden?


Water Use Calculator

If you’ve ever wondered how much water you use compared to the average person, check out the Water Usage Calculator from The National Ground Water Association. This free iPhone app allows users to see how many gallons of water are being used by answering a few simple questions. This app not only shows you how much you’re using, but it shows you where you are using it (e.g., dishwasher, toilet, shower, lawn and more). After checking out this app, one user was floored to see that her family was using nearly 200 gallons more than the average family due to those long, hot showers.
